Elkhan Suleymanov, the Vice-president of the Euronest PA, has appealed to Euronest PA co-chairs and Euronest PA bureau members
EURONEST PA Bureau members
Dear colleagues,
The Secretariat suggests in its
recent letter to attribute reports of two Committees to the EP component
Secretariat, and the other two reports to EaP component Secretariat.
EURONEST PA Bureau members
Dear colleagues,
The Secretariat suggests in its
recent letter to attribute reports of two Committees to the EP component
Secretariat, and the other two reports to EaP component Secretariat.
Although “fair? distribution of
reports is proposed in the Secretariat?s letter, it?s stated that EP component
Secretariat has taken the report of Political Committee. Thus, we would like to
state that both components of the EURONEST PA have equal rights. The EP and EaP
countries are equal parties.
We believe that this decision of the
EP Secretariat should be evaluated as the EP?s effort to preserve its influence
on EaP countries. We?ve repeatedly witnessed such kind of pressure and
For example, although the EP assessed
the Presidential elections of 2013 in Azerbaijan as fair and transparent, this
institution decided not to send a monitoring mission to the elections in 2015
with different biased excuses. Moreover, MEPs are also prohibited to observe
the elections in Azerbaijan in their personal capacity.
In this context, the Azerbaijani
delegation definitely objects to the preparation of the draft report in
Political Committee by the EP component Secretariat. If this objection is
ignored, the Azerbaijani delegation states that it will not attend the meetings
of Political Committee and discussions of that report in the Assembly.
Elkhan Suleymanov
Chairman of Azerbaijani delegation to