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MP of Azerbaijan Elkhan Suleymanov appealed to the President of the European Parliament
Mr. Martin Schulz
President of the European Parliament
Honorable President Schulz,
We have read with dismay your address of 15th of August on Azerbaijan, concerning the legal proceedings taken against Ms. Leyla Yunus and Mr. Arif Yunus related to their financial misconducts and tax evasion. Yet again you chose to get involved in the judiciary issues of a third country, of a free and sovereign nation, Azerbaijan.
Appeal of Elkhan Suleymanov, MP of Azerbaijan to the United States senators

Hon. Mitch
McConnell Hon.
Harry Reid
Leader Minority
States Senate United
States Senate
Capitol, S-230 The
Capitol, S-221
DC 20510 Washington,
DC 20510
Dear Leaders:
In March of this year, I read an article in Roll Call by Congressman Silvestre Reyes, a former Congressman who has made multiple trips to Azerbaijan, most recently serving as an election monitor in 2013. (Please see: Congressman Reyes has taken the time to study our country and learn a lot about us. We have great respect for him, and his March article describing the importance of Azeri support for the United States is right on point.
Elkhan Suleymanov, the Vice-president of the Euronest PA, has appealed to Euronest PA co-chairs and Euronest PA bureau members
EURONEST PA Bureau members
Dear colleagues,
The Secretariat suggests in its
recent letter to attribute reports of two Committees to the EP component
Secretariat, and the other two reports to EaP component Secretariat.
MP Elkhan Suleymanov letter to the European Parliament

To the attention of,
Martin Schulz,
President, European Parliament
Linda McAvan,
Chairman, Development Committee
Elmar Brock,
Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee
Honourable presidents,
A letter has been brought to the attention of our delegation which represents a recommendation made by the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group in the European Parliament to the President of the European Parliament. The letter advises President Schulz to avoid sending any electoral observation mission to Azerbaijan in November 2015 and makes a series of highly negative remarks about our country.
Representatives of democracy and freedom house supported the occupation and the aggressor during PACE summer session
Elkhan Suleymanov
Member of Azerbaijani Delegation to PACE
The draft report on the functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan prepared by co-rapporteurs Mr. Pedro Agramunt and Mr. Tadeusz Iwinski was discussed and adopted during PACE?s summer session on June 23, 2015. The discussion were very tense.
Azerbaijani MP addresses letter to PACE President
Mrs. Anne Brasseur,
President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,
All PACE Bureau members,
Mr. Wojciech Sawicki,
Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
For information:
Mr. Thorbjørn Jagland,
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Baku, 17 April 2015
Mrs. President,
I am perplexed by your press release entitled “PACE President welcomes Armenia?s steady advancement on path of reform?, as published under your name on the official PACE-website yesterday 15 April.
Elkhan Suleymanov appeals to European Parliament
To the attn. of,
Members of the European Parliament
Honourable Members,
I write to you to express my definite objection to your debate, vote and the adopted resolution in Brussels on the 15th of April 2015 on the centenary of the so-called Armenian “genocide?, in my behalf as vice-president of Euronest PA and chair of the Azerbaijan Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. I wish to express my deepest displeasure at this unfortunate decision by your House and my surprise at this attempt to destabilise an already security sensitive region.
Elkhan Suleymanov appeals to ODIHR Director
Mr. Michael George LINK,
Director ODIHR
For information:
Mr. Ivica Dacic,
OSCE Chairperson
Mr. Ilkka Kanerva,
OSCE PA President
Mr. Martin Shulz,
President of European Parliament
Mr. Thorbjørn Jagland,
Secretary General of Council of Europe
Ms. Anne Brasseur,
PACE President
Baku, 13 April 2015
Mr. Director,
Allow me to address you on your this week?s visit to Baku, preparing the monitoring of the 2015 parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.
During your meetings with several Azerbaijani officials, you emphasized that the election monitoring activities by OSCE/ODIHR are based on clear principles and standards. You explained that OSCE/ODIHR always takes into account and highlights all opinions, observations and analysis of all facts and circumstances, in order to conclude to an objective assessment.
Elkhan Suleymanov: “The 4th Euronest PA plenary session in Yerevan was marked with shamfeul developments”
Euronest PA Co-Chairs
Euronest PA Bureau members
Euronest PA members
Dear Co-Chairs,
Dear colleagues,
The 4th Euronest PA plenary session in Yerevan was marked with shamfeul developments. The session, to which Azerbaijani Delegation rightfully rejected to attend, started and ended with planned and deliberate diversions by Armenia.
Member of the Azerbaijan Delegation to PACE MP Elkhan Suleymanov has addressed a letter to PACE
Robert Walter (United Kingdom, EC), rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for preparing report titled“Escalation of violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and the other occupied territories of Azerbaijan? will make a fact-finding visit to Baku on 12-13 March 2015. In respect of this visit official PACE news website made a serious mistake calls the title of the report as Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In his strong protest letter to Ms. Anne Brasseur, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe andMembers of the Bureau of PACE, copied to Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary-General of theCouncil of Europe, Mr. Wojciech Sawicki, Secretary-General of the PACE and Mr. Robert Walter,Rapporteur, member of the Azerbaijan Delegation to PACE MP Elkhan Suleymanov in order to prevent such kind of abuse in future proposed shifting the particular competence of management with the Assembly?s news from the Secretary-General to an independent and skillful bench of specialists.